Sok od mlade Speltine Trave

Cleans the organism at the cellular level!

Juice from young Spelt Grass

Cleans the organism at the cellular level!

Increases energy

Increases immunity

It improves metabolism

Maintains normal blood pressure

#1 Montenegrin Supplement

Health in a scientifically proven way.

Imagine a juice that is not just an ordinary drink, but a supplement whose effectiveness is confirmed by science.

Thanks to the team of experts from CETI – the Center for Ecotoxicological Testing, led by Dr. Dejan Jančić, we discovered the real wealth of nutritional elements in our juice.

What does the scientific study say?
Our study reveals impressive facts: the juice is rich in essential elements such as potassium and phosphorus, and trace elements such as manganese and chromium. But it doesn’t end there – it is also rich in chlorophyll, pheophytin, polyphenols and flavonoids, which makes it a real antioxidant miracle.

This rich combination of elements is associated with numerous health claims, which you can explore in more detail On this link.

Read the full study here!


Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, normal muscle function and maintenance of normal blood pressure.


Phosphorus contributes to normal energy-generating metabolism, normal function of cell membranes and maintenance of normal bones and teeth.


Chromium contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients and the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.


Manganese contributes to normal metabolism, maintenance of normal bones, normal formation of connective tissue and protection of cells from oxidative stress.

What is Spelt?

Spelt (Triticum spelta; Triticum dicoccum, Krupnik, krupnica or pir) can be most simply described as the progenitor of today’s conventional wheat, whose history of consumption by humans goes back up to 7000 years.

From the Bronze Age until the Middle Ages, it was an important staple in many parts of Europe. Today it is a relict species that is mainly cultivated in Central Europe and Northern Spain, with a tendency to increase the planted areas.

The reason for this is its high nutritional value, different gluten and in a significantly lower concentration compared to the one contained in wheat. The grain we use in production comes from a mountain farm located at 1200 meters above sea level, which guarantees the quality of the final product.

What is Speltex?

SPELTEX (spelt juice) is a pure extract from the young grass of the spelled grain (triticum spelta). It is produced with a minimum of processing (cold pressing and immediate freezing, without adding additives), which allows it to preserve a high concentration of initially present nutrients.

It is rich in vitamins, minerals, microelements, chlorophyll and enzymes in a concentration that, following the provisions of the Food Safety Act and the provisions of the EFSA list (European Food Supply Association), means that the product can be categorized as a 100% natural supplement.


The health claims are signed by the Center for Ecotoxicological Testing from Podgorica, and the technological procedure is protected by the Directorate for Intellectual Property of Montenegro.

The associated health claims proven so far refer to the high concentration of potassium, phosphorus, manganese and chromium and read:

• Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
• Contributes to normal muscle function
• Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure
• Contributes to normal energy-generating metabolism
• Contributes to normal cell metabolism
• Contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients
• Contributes to the normal function of the cell membrane
• Contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth
• Contributes to the normal formation of connective tissues
• Contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
• Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels


Unhusked organic mountain spelled grain is used as the basic raw material for the extract. By sowing grains in the shell, the yield per unit of planting area is significantly reduced, but, on the other hand, microelements can be found in the final product that the plant can only use up from its shell, primarily magnesium.

Of great importance for the quality of the plant is the fact that the grain was produced at an altitude of more than 1000 meters, thus replicating the external factors that existed in its primeval state. Young grass is harvested on the ninth day after germination, when it has exhausted the energy of the grain from which it germinated, i.e. when its nutritional composition is at its maximum.

Extraction of the liquid from the harvested grass is done with a special slow-rotating extractor, which ensures the preservation of the rich enzyme composition. After that, the extract is frozen at a temperature of -40°C, in special quick-freezing shockers. Of special importance for the quality of the extract is the fact that the time interval from the moment of harvesting the grass to the moment of freezing the extract is never longer than 60 minutes, and that the time interval from the moment of extraction to the moment of freezing is never longer than 5 minutes. In this way, the lowering of product quality due to oxidation during collision with air is practically reduced to zero.

A source of potassium, phosphorus, manganese and chromium.

Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, normal muscle function and maintenance
normal blood pressure.

Phosphorus contributes to the normal metabolism of energy generation, the normal function of cell membranes and
maintenance of normal bones and teeth.

Manganese contributes to normal metabolism, maintenance of normal bones, normal formation of connective tissue
tissues and protect cells from oxidative stress.

Chromium contributes to the normal metabolism of macronutrients and the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.
In our body, chlorophyll combines with iron and participates in the production of hemoglobin, so it plays a key role in the functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves.

The SPELTEX package consists of quick-frozen “cubes” of liquid extract. The target number of cubes should be thawed at room temperature and drunk quickly in the morning, at least half an hour before breakfast.

For defrosting, use a ceramic, glass or plastic container. You may or may not pour water into the container. If you pour water, it must not be hot, in order to ensure that there is no damage to the composition, primarily the enzymes. Warning: DO NOT thaw the extract in the evening for morning consumption, because in contact with air the properties that make it consumed decrease significantly.

The number of cubes we consume on a daily basis depends on the reason for consumption. If the extract is consumed for prevention, then a daily dose of 1 to 4 cubes is recommended, depending on the age and the initial state of the organism. If the extract is used to help maintain the immune response during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, then the recommended dose is 6 to 8 cubes per day (most in the morning, and a smaller part in the afternoon, when the stomach is the emptyest).

No. Spelt grain, like the grain of any other cereal, contains a certain amount of gluten, but SPELTEX is extracted from young green cereal shoots, as early as the ninth day after germination, and therefore has a zero gluten level.

Intense, sweet-grassy.

SPELTEX can be used by almost anyone, regardless of their health condition. It can be useful for healthy people who want to maintain their health, as well as for those with minor or major health problems. There are some exceptions, which you can read in the next paragraph.

There is no data on the potential harm of this product for any category of users. However, due to the extremely high concentration of certain nutrients, we advise caution in pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants, and due to the high concentration of potassium, we do not recommend it to dialysis patients, people with kidney disorders and people who drink blood-thinning medications.

There is no yes or no answer to this question. SPELTEX is a 100% natural extract, but that does not mean that we can consume it in unlimited daily amounts without any consequences. No, we won’t get sick, but the body tends to expel all suddenly ingested excesses, so excessive daily consumption can cause severe stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. However, in order to reach that stage, really serious daily amounts would have to be consumed, so the risk of overdose can practically be considered impossible.

People who consume the extract preventively but continuously, for many years, should reduce the amount every six months to a maximum of one daily cube or even take a break for at least two months. People who consume the extract as a support in the fight against some health disorder, cannot feel the effect if they drink less than four daily cubes, but even consuming more than 8 daily cubes will not speed up the healing process. In short, the key word is “measure”, and as each individual is a universe for himself, everyone will best define that measure for himself. The manufacturer takes it upon himself first only to suggest frames from which he does not advise to go out.

There are no studies that link the indications and/or contraindications for the use of the extract by pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants, so the manufacturer calls for extreme caution in the aforementioned categories. Children over the age of three can consume SPELTEX without hindrance, and the dosage for specific cases should be consulted with the doctor and the manufacturer.

SPELTEX is a powerful antioxidant, which means that the cleansing of the body starts from the cell itself. Harmful substances are looking for a way out, so during the first ten days of consuming this extract, you can expect more frequent bowel movements and urination. If the body is overloaded with free radicals, this period can be longer and can be accompanied by headaches, rarely the urge to vomit.

As unpleasant as these side effects are, they are a clear signal that the extract is working, that is, that the body is reacting exactly as it should. The duration of the mentioned side effects longer than the specified period indicates a more serious health problem, in which case it is mandatory to consult a doctor. However, most consumers, apart from more frequent emptying and a visible increase in the body’s energy level, will not experience any of the stronger reactions mentioned above.

Store at -18°C or lower. Take the cubes out of the freezer only immediately before consumption. Shelf life: up to 6 months. After that period, the juice can still be consumed freely (up to a year at most), but its effect decreases.

SPELTEX is produced in Montenegro. Montenegrin legislation related to supplementation is linked to the EFSA list (European Food Supply Association). All health claims on the label derive from the fact that a certain nutrient has at least the minimum concentration required by the EFSA list per unit mass of the product.

Safety for human use and the composition of the extract are signed by the Center for Ecotoxicological Testing from Podgorica, and you can view the documentation here.


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